Since 2014, the German-Senegalese educational project Système-D has been organizing cultural youth and adult education, continuing education and international exchange on the topics of Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship Education.
We promote sustainable thinking, action and business in international youth exchanges, through multiplication training for teachers, in innovative media activities in schools and in public spaces. Recently also through the accompaniment of start-up founders in Sustainable Entrepreneurship. Practically it is about waste prevention, waste separation, upcycling, school gardens, planting, local juice production and sustainable house building.
We focus on educational approaches that bring about a sustainable change in consciousness and behavior through experiential learning. We work with methods of decolonial and planetary thinking and action that activates alternative knowledge and practices the transformation of the world. In addition to practical knowledge transfer and reanimation of local knowledge and resources, we can report on the sustainable effects of aesthetic, holistic education that deeply participates and liberates the participants. To awaken the public to participate, we organize artistic-media actions, such as open-air galleries, flash mobs, site-specific theater, documentary cinema.
In 2014 Système-D won the first prize-winner in the competition “On y va! – Let’s go!” initiated by the Robert Bosch Foundation.
Seydina Sy (educator and cultural mediator)
Sofie Olbers (educational scientist and intercultural trainer)
Kristina Forbat (filmmaker and author)
Florentyna von Wensierski (teacher)
Mike Gyamfi (communications designer)
Farzad Fadai (social worker and performer)
Sven-Jan Schmitz (theater pedagogue)
Lea Fadai (programmer)
Zandile Darko (actress and performer)
Loic Donisa (educational consultant)
Our longtime partner in Senegal is the non-profit association Casamance Systeme-D, based in Ziguinchor.
Lansana Sadio (theater pedagogue, actor, accountant)
Insa Sané (carate teacher)
Marthe Aminata Mané (project manager, commercial assistant)
Noby Rahmatullah Sadio (car mechanic, businesswoman)
Babacar case (entrepreneur, distributor)
Jul Gassama (administrator)
Ousmane Camara (hotel assistant)
Marietou Djiba (social pedagogue)
Youssoufa Thiam (master agroforestry)
LEITMOTIV Système-D (original, unusual and constructive)
As humanity, we are faced with a huge environmental problem that we produce ourselves and which destroys our living space and our health more and more. In order to tackle this problem and not to be paralyzed by its extent, we use the strategy Système-D as a guiding motiv: the D in the French term Système-D, stands for se débrouiller (to move out of the entanglement / a difficult situation). The term débrouillard describes someone who handles difficult situations in a smart way. To use and respond to a situation in the Système-D way means to think quickly and witty and adapt events and responding to challenges with improvisation – with the given resources that are available. The solutions are original, unusual and constructive. Our project is about the development of new ideas that are inspired by their own environment and how they are created for them. We are trying to find solutions to problems that concern all of us.
Voices from the radio how everything started in 2013/14:
Live à la Radio ZIG FM de Ziguinchor (27.12.2013)
Emission à la Radio Kassoumay FM de Ziguinchor en Francais (27.12.2013)
Emission à la Radio Kassoumay FM de Ziguinchor en Wolof (27.12.2013)